One of our engineers had a factory tour of EMR.
They did NOT calculate critical cable lengths, rather they had a pile 
of various length cables that they swapped in until it met specs. 
They were NOT optimized.

That same engineer finally got a SWAG from them that the loops in the 
EMR cavities are approximately 1/10th of a wavelength for calculation 
That figure seems to have served us well over the last few years.
I'll ask whether I can publish the spreadsheet that we use for those 
We use an HP 8711C network analyser to setup the cavities for our UHF 
radio system, and various other users [VHF, UHF, 800].

Walter, KD7BJJ

--- In, "kb9bpf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Many writings about the optimum length of cavity interconnecting 
> mention that the length of the coupling loops needs to be taken 
> account, but they don't get any more specific. 
> Does that mean the length of the conductor in the loop 
> if it were round) or connector-to-end length (diameter if it were 
> round) or something else?
> I find it pretty easy to get the cables cut to a pretty precise 
> electrical 1/4 wavelength but this loop length thing leaves me 
> 73
> Brad KB9BPF

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