no joke; got an inquiry for 10-12 vhf duplexers 150-174 4 cavity pass/reject 
similar to those in VHF micor repeaters and MSR2000 repeaters.
state qty and price in 1st email or call me at below phone days 0900-1800 cdst.
will also consider Phelps-Dodge 6 cav reject types in 19 inch rack mount.
possibly other as long as they are rack mountable and can handle power.
thanks. we know a long shot when we see one but sometimes ya gotta take a shot.

Ted Bleiman K9MDM  MDM  Radio    
        " If its in stock...we've got it!"
P O Box 31353
Chicago, IL 60631-0353 
773.631.5130  fax 773.775.8096    
 web    email - 


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