If you have one RF channel, the only one person can talk at a time. 
Basic RF. The only way around it is some of the more exotic digital 
modulation schemes like TDMA and CDMA.

> --- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "Peter Dakota Summerhawk"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I think I know the answer to this but I am going to confirm it. The
>> community tone board only filters out what talk group you don't want to
>> hear. And it won't let you if you have multiple groups on the same
> pair talk
>> over each other. Am I correct on this? The reason I ask is that we have
>> several groups that want to be on the same pair but want different
> PL's  but
>> the machine wont let two people with different pairs talk at the
> same time
>> if I am not mistaken. We only have one pair for this site (VHF) and they
>> want several talk groups for grounds, maintenance, banquets,
> housekeeping,
>> ad the front desk.
>> Let me know of I am right on this or if I am being crazy.
>> Thanks
>> Peter

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