I'm working on collocating a 2-meter remote base with our repeater, and
naturally every time the repeater transmits, it makes the remote-base radio
totally deaf.  I've been playing with quarter-wave stubs with some success
(and have lots more ideas/experimenting in mind) but would like to hear from
others who are running collocated equipment without the aid of

The local repeater is running 30 watts on 146.85 to a DB-224 at about 125
feet.  The link is on 145.11 10 watts to an 8-element beam at about 70 feet.

The whole purpose of the remote base is to link to another repeater 30 miles
away.  And before anybody asks, a link on another band isn't a possibility
(primarily because of limitations with antenna systems), so it's 2-meter
remote base or nothing.



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