Is the tower yours or are you on donated space? Can you re-mount your antenna 
and make other changes on the tower?
If so, I assume the beam is end-mounted since it's only 5 elements. Try 
mounting the beam through the tower instead of on the leg nearest the target 
repeater. Then take some sheet metal and attach it to the side of the tower the 
offending signal is coming from. This should sufficiently block the offending 
    Posted by: "n2len" [EMAIL PROTECTED] n2len
    Date: Sat Sep 27, 2008 10:00 pm ((PDT))

Can anyone please offer me some assistance. 

I am trying to link my VHF repeater to a club machine on 440 MHZ. 

For now I received permission to link directly on their input until 
the club installs a remote base and yagi next spring.

There repeater is about 20 air miles away. I am using a 5 element UHF 
Yagi about 45 feet up a 170 Rohn 65 at my hub site!

The Yagi is facing due West. The link works fantastic with 5 watts 
however I am receiving a 440 MHZ repeater on the same input over 100 
air miles away to the South. 90 degrees off the side of the Yagi.

So my question is. Any input to solve this antenna related problem to 
Buffer that weak signal from the south? 

Any move of the antenna lowering, different antenna etc...

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated....


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