I am having a problem with the audio coming from my remote base 
receiver.  I am using a LINKR2A controller.  I originally used the de-
emphasis jumper setting, but it sounded too treble, so went back to 
the broader spectrum setting. 

The problem is that I have to take the audio directly off of the 
remote receiver's discriminator, rather than using filtered audio. I 
currently inject audio from the ICS controller to the exciter on pin 
11 of the Squelch Gate card, which is a filtered input.  However, when 
RX audio from remote receiver has PL superimposed on it, it still 
interferes with the repeater's talkback PL.

It looks like I may have to build an RC filter of my own to clip off 
the PL before it gets to the controller.  Does anyone have a 
suggestion as to a better place to inject the audio?

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