Hello group.
Not specifically repeater questions, but thought this group might hold the
folks who have the answers...
I have a Motorola Spectra VHF High Power (110 watts) that I am converting
for packet use, as an APRS digi-peater.
It will be a high-profile machine...probably running around 30-40% TX duty
cycle...possibly more during certain times.
My first question is about cooling. It, along with a 35 amp power supply,
will be located in a gutted Motorola repeater cabinet, which has 4 large
ventilation grills on each door (2)...should I be concerned with
supplemental cooling?
And second, anybody have any information on how to go about adding an
S-meter to the Spectra?
73, and happy holidays.
Chris Greenhalgh, N8WCT
www.n8wct.com <http://www.n8wct.com/> 

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