I have an MCC RC-100 that I am trying to set up the remote base 
feature for a link. This is a Ver. 3.57. The problem is the remote 
base COS high will not key the Repeater TX. With the Remote Base beep 
on you can hear the beep on the repeater TX audio but the transmitter 
is never keyed. I have used the following codes on other RC-100's for 
the remote base feature. Can anyone see what I am missing before I go 
to the factory?

Master enable on
Remote base enable on
Remote base beep on
Remote base timeout off
RB DTMF access on
Tape sel. off
Remote base sel. on
Crossband off
Remote base Timeout #*
Remote base on and off codes programmed and working
Remote base TX on and off working.

Thank You WA5LUY

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