At 13:26 2/2/2009, wd8chl wrote:
>And they are illegal because they are ham rigs. And it's illegal to use
>ham frequencies for a for-profit business, and movies are made for profit.

It is NOT illegal to show a ham rig in a for-profit movie.   It would 
be illegal to use it to make the movie (wardrobe for Ms Breasts 
please).  If it were a movie about hams, it might be OK to actually 
use it in showing how hams used radios.  If it was supposed to be a 
cop radio, it would be illegal to use it as a cop radio unless the 
actor using it was appropriately licensed and not shooting real 
footage.   Or something like that.   This is not legal advice and I 
am not a lawyer nor do I play one on TV.

Dave Gomberg, San Francisco   NE5EE     gomberg1 at wcf dot com
All addresses, phones, etc. at

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