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Kevin Custer

> I did a little further digging with the RC96, and discovered the 
> following...
> The SELECT 1 line which controls the CD4053 (U9)RX audio gate control 
> pin behaves as follows:
> When the controller is in carrier access modes (COP07, 08, or 09), 
> the pin never changes state with or without a COS and/or PL signal 
> present. It is always low, allowing audio to pass.
> When the controller is in PL access mode (COP10), the SELECT 1 line 
> becomes high when no signal is present, thus blocking rx audio from 
> passing. When only an active COS signal is presented, it remains 
> high.  When only an active PL signal is applied, it still remains 
> high, and no audio passes.  However, when both COS and PL active 
> signals are applied, the SELECT 1 line becomes low, and audio is 
> allowed to pass. The line remains low even when COS then dissappears, 
> and stays low until the PL signal ceases. Basicly, both COS and PL 
> are needed to open the audio gate, but only PL is needed to keep it 
> open.  
> Fortunately, there is an easy fix.  
> I simply bent up pin 9 of the 4053 IC (U9) so that the pin is removed 
> from the socket. Conveniently, there is also a board solder/feedthru 
> connection for pin 9 (SELECT 1) just to the right of the IC socket. I 
> simply soldered in a 1N4xxxx series diode, anode connecting to the 
> aforementioned thru-board hole tied to pin 9, and the cathode to pin 
> 9 of the 4053 IC itself.  Next, I installed the cathode of a second 
> diode to pin 9 as well.  The anode of this second diode connects to 
> the COS signal coming out of the ULN2804 input buffer IC (U5) at pin 
> 18 (this is also the same signal appearing on pin 3 of the optional 
> ADM connector location). 
> The two diodes are simply used to fully isolate the SELECT 1 and COS 
> signals from each other.
> Now, when the controller is in any of the three COS modes, the SELECT 
> 1 signal has no effect, but the newly connected COS signal switches 
> the 4053 audio gate to track with COS.  
> When the controller is in PL mode, the SELECT 1 signal controls the 
> audio gate so that audio only passes when both COS and PL are 
> present.  Since this mode is already working properly via the SELECT 
> 1 signal to track COS (along with PL), the newly installed COS signal 
> is simply "paralled" with the original SELECT 1 signal, and 
> effectively has no bearing on the control at that point.
> Now, the controller will effectively mute rx audio properly no matter 
> which receiver mode is selected (COS or PL). I successfully tested 
> the RC96 on a Micor receiver feeding approx. 1Vpp into the controller 
> with absolutely no blowby whatsoever.  Full muting. 
> This mod will work on the RC85 as well.  With the simple installation 
> of two $0.05 didoes, the ACC controllers will now accept unmuted rx 
> audio without a problem.  
> Eric
> KE2D

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