Do you just want to build a repeater for the sheer fun, joy of a 
project? If so, I have a post on my web page about my Mitrek conversion 

Instead of modifying a single unit, I used two Mitreks 1 for RX, the 
other for TX and set them up so I could swap them, e.g. if the TX final 
blows. It took me, oh, 50-60 hours altogether just tinkering to get it 

If you're looking to put up a repeater to meet a particular 
communications goal, and don't have a lot of time for a build, then the 
Kenwood TKR850 + RC210 controller for a bit under $2,000 is hard to 


--- In, "lou_c1357" <lou_c1...@...> 
> OK so I have posted a few times about building a repeater.  Well I
> think I am ready now to take the plung and start working on building a
> UHF repeater.  So for a starting point I want to build a UHF (70cm)
> repeater.  To start I am looking for a good radio that can be
> converted.  What do you recommend that can be easily modified???

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