

Over on the yahoo Marconi group a thread on the fly back was hashed about.
It was told that some less in demand models of test gear use the same parts.
You might want to hop over there and see if the part can be crossed over.





From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:repeater-buil...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Ted Bleiman K9MDM -
MDM Radio
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 3:07 AM
To: repeater-builder@yahoogroups.com; motorola-u...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] wanted- macaroni fly back xfmr


hi gang. mdm here. 

i have a macaroni 2955 with a smoked flyback xfmr. repair shop can't find
the part. someone must have a spare or a parts chassis somewhere. and help
appreciaed greatly. this is a pristine monitor and i'd really like to get it
fixed for my shop.


mdm ted


thawing out in Chicago..

Ted Bleiman K9MDM

MDM  Radio            " If its in stock...we've got it!"
P O Box 31353
Chicago, IL 60631-0353 
773.631.5130  fax 773.775.8096  


web http://www.mdmradio.com <http://www.mdmradio.com/>  

 email -   <mailto:mdm...@yahoo.com> mdmra...@yahoo.com <<< DIRECT ALL EMAIL

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