Off the top of my head, one Repeater here does full POCSAG meaning  
anyone can get a real old fashioned UHF pager with the group and  
individual CAP codes programmed into it and receive full text  
messages.  Messages can be sent via a DTMF cheat sheet that allows the  
full ASCII character table via a phone call to the Repeater controller  
or someone built a VB app to translate from text using any standard  
modem by having it dial up the controller and do the necessary DTMF.

Not sure if you'd call it paging, but there's another local system  
with 6 or 7 121.5/243.0 "airport ELT" monitors that listens for a  
multitude of DTMF sequences from those monitors to trigger an alert  
mode, add a second CTCSS tone to the output, and voice announce which  
airport is alerting, while also opening and closing audio from the  
mountaintop 121.5 and 243.0 receivers inbetween search team  
transmissions.  The individual monitors also speak the airport  
identifier, the alert frequency and the relative signal strength in  
uV.  The whole DTMF ball of wax is monitored by an off-mountain Linux  
box with a receiver on the Repeater's output and hardware DTMF  
detector for doing secondary alerts via email/SMS.

Nate Duehr
Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 15, 2009, at 23:14, "dallasreact112" <>  

> I am just curious if any other amateur 2 meter repeater has a more
> complex RACES Skywarn paging system than the 146.88 W5FC Dallas TX
> repeater?
> The normal daytime amateur state of the repeater is 110.9 Hz full PL.
> To go into RACES Skywarn mode the following sequence occurs:
> 1. Repeater Mode changes:
> a. PL changes to 114.8 Hz
> b. RX squelch changes to OR mode squelch. Carrier squelch OR 114.8 Hz
> PL encode opens repeater. OR squelch allows the carrier squelch
> threshold to be set higher than PL squelch threshold.
> 2. RACES Tones out:
> a. 30 second DTMF "A" tone
> b. Motorola 2 tone sequential pager tones group 1
> c. Motorola 2 tone sequential pager tones group 2
> d. DTMF "0" sent three times in quick succession to activate the old
> Kenwood DTMF paging decoders available in their older units.
> I would love to hear from anyone that has a more complex paging  
> routine.
> 73
> Bernie Parker
> K5BP
> Dallas Amateur Radio Club
> Tech Officer
> ------------------------------------
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