Has anyone had success loading wav files per the instructions in the 
Arcom RCP programmer manaul? The manual states to fabricate a stereo 1/8 
plug using the tip to the speaker output of a pc sound card and the 
other end a 1k resistor in series to pin 5 of a DB9 pin connector. Then  
pin 9 to the ground of the 1/8 stereo plug. Then using the serial cable 
from the controller to the pc load the 16 bit mono wav file into the 
controller with the rcp programmer software into port .

I have tried the above procedure and can barely hear the wav file when I 
unlock the controller and use 123 (wav file track number) command to 
play back the loaded wav file. I am using a Panisonic Tough book lap top 
pc. I removed the 1k resistor and tried the same proceedure as above and 
still can barely hear the wav file when I play it back. I have also 
tried the record volume pot at several positions including turning it 
all the way up. The play back audio is very very weak. The play volume 
pot has plenty of audio with the voice ID. I can also record and play 
back the dvr using a transmitted signal into the repeater.

Anyone have any suggestions as to how to load wav files using rcp 

Glenn WA7SPY 

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