A common trick with some other manufacturers' software is to enter 
out-of-band frequencies while holding down the SHIFT key...  for example, 
147.330 would be entered as !$&.##) (not sure about the decimal point - some 
programs insert it automatically, others don't use one).

You might give that a try.  Still others require a hacked version of the 
software, or that you use a hex editor on the data read from the radio, then 
upload it back into the radio.

Hopefully someone here is familiar with the Fujitsu software.

George, KA3HSW / WQGJ413

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "ka9gpx" <ka9...@gmail.com>
To: <Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 6:06 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Fujitsu Link Radio use

Hello all,

I'm trying to help a group set-up some old Fujitsu FTM40-3092 &
FTM15-3092 radios to use for link and control radios.

Wondering if anybody in the group might have any ideas on how to
program the radios for "Out-of-Band" operation (ie: Amateur range).
The radios will operate "RF-Wise" however the BIG problem is
programming. The Band Limits appear to be "Hard-Coded" into either the
Micro code, or the Programming Eprom used to program the radio.

I've already asked the question on other groups (Radio-Programming &
Fujitsu Radio) to no avail. Thought I would try hear as I know there
are a lot of Commercial people on this group that might have some
thoughts, hints, ideas, regarding these old, but great radios.

So, in a nut shell.....ANY input would be greatly appreciated.

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