If you want it to work well, then replace the Q2220E with a better duplexer.

If you are willing to accept a compromise in performance, then continue using
it and add extra cavities onto it.

------ Original Message ------
Received: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 04:40:17 PM PDT
From: AJ <aj.grant...@gmail.com>
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Sinclair Q2220E

> Any suggestions for improving the situation with our existing Q2220E
> duplexer?
> We could turn the P/A down even further, but there's not much more room to
> work with with this 40 watt P/A from it's current 25 watt level without
> causing spurs...
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 3:44 PM, John J. Riddell
> >    *Re the Sinclair RES-LOC   Q2220E Duplexer,   they make a much better
> > version, *
> > *the Q2330E model.*
> > **
> > * We use one here on VE3KSR, 146.970*
> > **
> > *It has 100 Db of Tx - Rx isolation at 500 Khz  and midband isolation of
> > 55 Db*
> > *as opposed to 30 Db in the Q2220.*
> > **
> > *Power rating is 350 watts on each unit.*
> > **
> > *The Q2330E** has three "cavities" on each side.*
> > **
> > *73 John VE3AMZ*
> > **
> > **
> > **
> > **
> > **
> > **
> > **
> >
> >  ----- Original Message -----
> > *From:* AJ <aj.grant...@gmail.com>
> > *To:* Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
> >   *Sent:* Wednesday, March 25, 2009 4:19 PM
> > *Subject:* Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Sinclair Q2220E
> >
> > We have one in place right now on the 600 KHz split at 25 watts from a
> > MastrII...
> > Very noticeable desense...
> >
> > Not very happy with the setup... But we're doing the best we can with
> > was on the hill when we started...
> >
> > Oh well lol.
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 12:39 PM, ve7fet
> >
> >>   Actually, the comment below isn't quite true.
> >>
> >> The Q2220E is a "Res-Lok" duplexer, but there are no machined coupling
> >> ports between the cavities. I just took the loops out of one to confirm.
> >>
> >> The coupling between the cavities is a function of the pickup loop
> >> the cavity, and the coax between them.
> >>
> >> However, in the C2034 type Res-Lok combiners, there ARE coupling ports
> >> machined between the bandpass section cavities (confirmed that too).
> >>
> >> Of interesting note on the Q2220E, the docs from Sincliar show two
> >> different harnesses available, presumably one for high split, and one
> >> low. I have two Q2220E's here, one factory 143/148 and the other
> >> They both have the same harness on them (320mm inter-cavity of RG400),
> >> the pickup loops are the same size too (110mm).
> >>
> >> If you run the numbers for 320mm and a velocity factor of 0.695, you get
> >> center frequency for the harness of 163MHz.
> >>
> >> If you wanted to optimize the tuning for the best response in the ham
> >> band, you may want to consider re-building the harness and changing the
> >> inter-cavity lengths to 355mm. I wouldn't change the lengths of the
> >> loops as that is going to significantly change the response.
> >>
> >> Also note, the Q2220E makes a good candidate to modify for 220MHz...
> >> ask Dave Cameron... http://www.irlp.net/duplexer
> >>
> >> Cheers!
> >>
> >> Lee
> >>
> >> --- In
> >> "Eric Lemmon" <wb6...@...> wrote:
> >> > Part of the problem is that the Q2220E
> >> > duplexer uses the "Res-Lok" design, wherein the coupling between
> >> cavities of
> >> > each pair is via a machined port between them, rather than a cabled
> >> coupling
> >> > loop that can be adjusted.
> >>
> >>
> >  
> >

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