
I wish I could answer those questions directly... but I'll have to check.
I'm not the guy who is trying to do this, I am an intermediary.  (The guy
doing the work is not a list subscriber.)

But I will forward this to the guy who is doing the work, get an answer and
report back with the answers.

Mark - N9WYS

-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of Yahoo

What is the version of software you are using and are you programming from
DOS or windowed to DOS? What version of windows?


-----Original Message-----
From:  On Behalf Of Mark

Jeff, the radio gods must smile upon you, then... as we've had nothing but
problems.  ;-p 

We CANNOT program a Monogram radio with the Maxon software, as said in the
Wizard of Oz, "Not no way, not no how!"  We can't even get the software to
READ the radio correctly, much less program it.

And we're using a mid-speed machine - probably an early P-II, if I remember

I guess I/we just don't have "the touch"...  Now if only we could figure out
*WHY*, I/we'd be much happier.

Mark - N9WYS

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