At 4/15/2009 10:45, you wrote:

>Lance, Mark, Cort, Butch, Bob, Chris, and others,
>Thanks for the good advice and quick response. I will follow up on the
>suggestions, and get an idea of the cost.
>It hadn't occurred to me that I would need a voter. With only this one
>remote receiver, I thought I could just rely on the controller (ACC
>RC-850) to accept the audio in accordance with the -850 priorities. Is
>this not suitable?

As others have mentioned there are less complex & expensive alternatives, 
but none are as user friendly as a good voter.  I have 1 repeater in my 
system with 2 RXs: the "main" RX is at the remote site with the TX, the 
"remote" RX is plugged into the link hub at my home.  Each uses a separate 
CTCSS tone, so the users have to pick which RX they want to access.

>Does the link TX have to identify (amateur service)? I believe it does
>have to.

Officially, yes.  In practice, many don't.

Bob NO6B

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