As Hams being involved in this Type of Communications ,We need to keep an
Eye on this Bill

73 De Don KA9QJG

Section Summary, April 2009

The text of a new U.S. House of Representatives Bill, HR 2160, is to be

. This bill, introduced by Texas Rep. Ms. Jackson-Lee, and co-sponsored by
other members from disaster prone districts, could end up giving us the data
we need to fight unreasonable antenna support structure limitations imposed
by land use agents, private and public. In itself, it requires the
Department of Homeland Security to conduct a study of unnecessary or
unreasonable impediments to the 'deployment of Amateur Radio emergency and
disaster relief communications'.
The strong wording of the bill reflects the positive impression made by ham
radio EMCOMM operations in Texas witnessed by Ms. Jackson-Lee. While we
should not rely completely on the bill to do everything for us, it may at
some time be the impetus for the end of unreasonable antenna restrictions.
After you read the text of the bill, request your congressman to co-sponsor
this important piece of legislation

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