At 06:17 AM 05/22/09, you wrote:
>Hi All ,
>Does anyone have any HRE6012B Preamp Modules around for the Astro 
>Spectra Mobiles ? Please Let me know . Thank You .
>Steve efj44.

This article may help.

Adding a Preamp to a UHF Spectra Radio by Robert W. Meister WA1MIK

It covers how to convert a non-preamp RF preselector into a preamped version,
and mentions the HRE6012 specifically (the Astro-and non-Astro are the
same in that area),

If you, like me, have elder eyes and are not too sure about playing 
with surface
mount parts there is a gentleman here in L.A. that has done this mod 
on several
non-Astro and Astro Spectras.  He has his own commercial 2-way shop and
goes by the name of "motarolla_doctor" on this group.
You can contact him as to cost.


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