Thanks Kevin , That mobile note threw me off . I did see that mod. I will give 
that a try thanks again. Your mods are very helpful.
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From: Kevin Custer <>
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 10:13:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Micor cos question

Nick W7NIK wrote: 
I did only the one mod which was .
>9.6v to a 10k resistor to the base, emitter went to ground, collector to the 
>controller. This mod was on the better duplexing for a micor  station on 
>repeater builder site.
That part of the modification is not intended to drive a controller - it is 
intended to drive internal cards after doing the modifications suggested for 
better muting.

You simply need a logic inverter:
http://www.repeater -builder. com/pix/cosswitc h.gif

Disregard the (mobile only) note - this circuit is what you need to drive a 
controller - whether or not you have a Mobile or Station.


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