Water towers in the Chicago metropolitan area are used by commercial land 
public safety (city, country, state) and commercial mobile/cellular 
companies (e.g. AT&T Wireless; Verizon Wireless; T-Mobile; Sprint).
The last group historically has paid significant $$ for specific locations or 
cell sites -- 
that has been changing recently.  One real estate management company wanted to 
double the lease fees -- 
the mobile (cellular) company promptly removed the antennas, feedline and 
equipment from all of their properties. 

While you may be dealing with anti-technology/anti-science thinking (prevalent 
in some areas) ----
it is much more likely they are more capitalistic --- wanting $$$ (monthly or 
yearly lease payment).  
Money talks in this current recession and they will actively pursue cash flows 
like a lonely man in the desert looks for water.


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