Because CTCSS falses on the random noise.
Been there, done that, gave away the t-shirt.


--- In, n...@... wrote:
> At 8/20/2009 23:17, you wrote:
> >John, how's this for an experiment...
> >
> >Configure a repeater with two receivers, one built for +/- 5 kHz 
> >deviation, the other for +/- 15, feed them from a splitter, use audio from 
> >the narrow one, but allow a DTMF command to select the wider receiver's 
> >COS when conditions warrant. (Obviously, those conditions would have to 
> >include no adjacent channel signal...)
> If noise squelch is so problematic in severe multipath conditions, why not 
> do away with it entirely & use straight CTCSS squelch?  The GE decoders 
> that use Versatone chips are fast enough that you can still almost 
> eliminate the squelch tail with an ADM.
> Bob NO6B

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