-Don't expect anything for another month or so as I just arrived home after an 
extended vacation.
I agree that most hams will have trouble handling even the most simple 
impedance matching information in the ARRL Antenna Book so when I can get 
something together on matching on the DB 224 I will submit it.

-- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "Chuck Kelsey" <wb2...@...> wrote:
> How about an article with examples to post at the Repeater Builder site?
> Chuck
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "wa9zzu" <wa9...@...>
> To: <Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 3:11 PM
> Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: DB-224 Matching
> > -Well guys,
> >
> > With all due respect to Jim and his tried and true dipole modifications in 
> > which he changes the load impedance presented to the cable harness which 
> > is in turn reflected to the 1st junction connected to the antenna pigtail, 
> > and all the others who do some sort of extensive dipole modification to 
> > get a resulting VSWR to their liking, I find that the simpliest and most 
> > rewarding, easiest, least labor intensive, not to mention least possible 
> > to create mechanical problems, is the addition of just two short lengths 
> > of 50 ohm coax at the antenna feed point coax, one in series and one in 
> > shunt, to a tee connector. This matching section has been done to several 
> > DB 224 antennas by my self with great success.
> >
> > No strain, no pain, and only a minimum of cost and time, with low VSWR 
> > over the 144-148 band.
> >
> > And I challenge any one to tell the difference in the gain of the DB224 
> > using the original dipoles with my impedance matching section to the 
> > modified dipoles with the loss in the mismatch created in the antenna 
> > harness with the modified dipoles.
> >
> > All it takes is some effort with a Smith Chart and some simple coax cable 
> > construction after measuring the feed point impedance / VSWR at the band 
> > edge and the center frequencies from 144 to 148 MHz. All done at gound 
> > level. Simple matching stub design can be found and is well described in 
> > the ARRL Antenna Book, 13th edition on Pp. 122-126.
> >
> > I have done this same type of coaxial impedance matching on several of the 
> > DB 420 antennas as well with good results.
> >
> > 73  Allan Crites  WA9ZZU

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