I built the same, a copy of Cushcraft Ringo Ranger II (two 5/8 wavelength 
collinear array + ground plane below feedpoint) for 6 m myself about 20 years 
ago.  I modeled its electrical performance using MININEC 3.13.  Wrote it up in 
CQ magazine.

Major problem was mechancial stability & strength.  A strong wind would cause 
QSB as antenna bending whipped the major lobe up & down from the horizon.

It worked excellently on 52.525 but I roger the potential lightning problems.

I also built one for 29.6.  Talk about mechanical nightmare.  I had to guy it 
in the middle using Dacron rope but it too did a nice job on 10m FM.

The next time I want vertically-polarized gain, I think I'll go the copper 
plumbing or aluminum route using folded dipole elements + coax cable balun/Z 
transformer inside the hollow element.
BTW, my hearty thanks to all who take the time to give detailed answers to 
tough questions on this list.  I am learning!

--John WB0EQ


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