Please provide more information, such as a Combination Number, model number,
part numbers of the PC boards, etc.  Each printed circuit board should have
a number stamped in black ink along one edge, usually in the form
"19C321456G4" but different characters, of course.  That number may be
preceded by "PL" and may be followed by "REV" and another character.

A "manual" for GE radios is not a single book, but rather is a binder that
is custom-made for each individual radio, containing as many as a dozen
different documents known as "LBIs."  There will be one LBI for the
Oscillator/Multiplier, another one for the Exciter, another one for the
Power Amplifier, and so on.  There may be a half-dozen different LBIs for
the PA alone, since each power level PA has its own LBI.  Once the
individual LBIs have been assembled into a binder, it is unique to that
specific radio.  The first step is to identify each module in your repeater,
then we can advise you which LBIs you need to make up a manual for your

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of lsasmazel
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:42 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] GE Lookout Repeater related info needed.


I just bought an old VHF GE Lookout Repeater from eBay. Any info related to
convert 2 meter appreciated. If you have service manual with crystal
calculator it will be more then enough.

Thanks and 73
Levent - WW2L

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