Anyone who wants to do my MT1000 conversion on the MT1000 display radio here is 
some updated info.

Below is the link to my original doc

I received 3 display MT1000 radios yesterday, these are 42-50 MHz stock radios, 
and I did the conversion on these to 6 meters.

The original hardware mod still stands, however to program these display radios 
simply use regular MT1000 software and read the radio first.

If you use the P200Lb software you will only have 6 channels and no display 
flip etc so remember, use RSS MT1000.exe for display radios and things will 
work fine.

The RSS will display everything correctly for these display radios, all you 
need to do is add or delete channels as needed when you set up the default 
codeplug with 49 Mhz initial frequencies according to the DOC above.

Turn all options on that you desire, and set your codeplug up just like in my 
conversion doc, don't forget your scan set up and also enable the display flip 
and battery saver etc. 

Next do the hexediting for actual 6 meter frequencies and program this hex 
edited codeplug in the radio.

To summarize, follow the document but for the display radios don't use the 
p200LB.exe software, this apparently is only for the 6 channel low band radios 
both MT1000 and p200 of which I only had at the time of the original document.

Additionally; If you do have one of these display radio you may want to try 
programming and hex editing first before doing any VCO rework.

Out of 3 display MT1000's converted last night, one needed both the TX and Rx 
VCO mods to lock both tx rx above 53 MHz, a 2nd one only needed the TX VCO mod 
and the 3rd one didn't require any VCO mods at all. 

The 3rd radio that didn't need any VCO hardware mod works 42 to 54 MHz on 
receive and 42 to 53 MHz on transmit with simply hexediting and programming, 
nothing else.

Now the antenna is a different story but that's typical in a low band HT.

When I have the time I'll add my changes to the original document for display 

Some people have e-mail ans sent me mail letters asking if I can do the 
hardware mods and I'm presently trying to get my hands an a solder 
sucker/desoldering station which speeds the VCO rework considerably.

If I find what I'm looking for then I'll come up with a answer on doing some 


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