You guys have talked past each other slightly...

Kevin, if he's not using straight discriminator audio into the controller, but 
picking off de-emph audio downstream from the Kendecom squelch gate, there will 
be times he has COS from the Micor module but no audio reaching the controller.

Workarounds might include:

(1) Leave the original squelch control open
(2) Tap and buffer discriminator audio using a discreet or LM386 stage with R/C 
filter to provide unsquelched but de-emph audio for the controller
(3) Use the COS signal from the Micor module to both provide COS to the 
controller and switch the Kendecom's audio gate

I'd try for (3).

Paul, AE4KR

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kevin Custer 
  Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 8:03 AM
  Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] MICOR Squelch clones


    Don't I have to disable the existing squelch circuit as well to prevent it 
from muting the RX?

  Yes, that will be done when you connect the logic of the new squelch board to 
drive the controllers COS.  Only the COS from the MICOR board should be 
connected to the controllers COS input, replacing the original COS logic from 
the receiver.  Some controllers require a presence of voltage to validate 
activity on the channel, some require a ground.  The Link-Comm MICOR squelch 
board (RLC-MOT) will supply either logic polarity, making installation easy.




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