yes yes and yes! my setup is 800mhz. check this out:
i think to get the 12V power line from the receiving spectra that supplys the 
audio transistor for the speaker if there is carrier or PL to unmute the RX 
radio this voltage can stear external reed relay to key the transmitting radio 
that will be PL programmed to connect my msf5000. what do you think?

--- In, "skipp025" <skipp...@...> wrote:
> Re: Small Portable Repeaters  
> > "George" <gueorgui@> wrote:
> > thank you for the useful info!
> > i guess i can make my own vehicular repeater 
> > from two spectras and a portable duplexer... 
> > thank you very much!
> Hi George, 
> You can but keep in mind the real world limitations 
> of the small "Flat Pack" mobile style Duplexers.  
> The VHF versions are not designed for Ham Radio 
> repeater frequency spacings. You'd be hard pressed 
> to get the more common surplus VHF Flat-Packs to 
> play at 600KHz repeater offsets unless the Duplexer 
> was originally designed for tight/narrow spacing. 
> The typical UHF versions Flat-Packs" can be specified 
> for and operated with 3MHz and 5MHz spacings at 
> honest modest power levels. 
> A realistic person would not expect full Spectra 
> Radio power levels (output) to play well with a 
> flat pack. So that person would probably have 
> to reduce/drop the transmit radio's (Tx) power to 
> avoid desense issues.  
> 15 honest watts through a flat pack is a generic 
> realistic value, which also depends a lot on the 
> quality (front end) of the receiver and the Duplexer. 
> Of course your results will vary with cooking time... 
> cheers,
> s.

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