Hi guys.I would like to throw a interesting question to the forum.I have
several uhf repeaters with links to our central hub .
.one site receives on 479.350 and transmits on 474.150 through a 6ld450s
diplexer into a 6db antenna mounted 9 meters above the repeater site and we
have a 3 watt link radio transmitting on 481.825mhz through a 12db beam (at
ground level) aimed to our hub site .The repeater works fine on its own
however the link is the problem .My question would be Would I get more
separation between the link and the receiver if I change the link
transmitter up to say 500hz or should I move the link antenna away from the
site.I suppose the question is would I get more separation by changing the
link frequency or wouldn't it matter what frequency the link is on ,the link
TX energy would still affect the repeater. 

Thank You,
Ian Wells,
Kerinvale Comaudio,
361 Camboon Road.Biloela.4715
Ph 0749922449 or 0409159932 or 0749922574


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