Hello Josh,

Years ago I had copper pipe duplexers for 220MHz and they worked OK, but 
were not temperature stable.  I had to tune them at least twice a year, 
summer and winter.  I would be afraid that this may be a problem for 
you, especially on 6 meters.  Purchasing large diameter copper pipe can 
also be quite expensive.  Short pieces of 1 5/8 hardline are not 
difficult to find if you have a contact in the cellular business.  See 
if you can find a tower company in your area and ask them for scrap pieces.

73, Joe, K1ike

pet_the_dogg wrote:
> I am getting all the materials for a 6 meter repeater, but am hung up on a 
> solution for a duplexer.  I have seen several paces showing how to make a 
> notch duplexer with heliax made into 1/4 wave stubs.  Since I am unable to 
> locate any large heliax,I was wondering if copper tubing could be used as a 
> similar replacement.  It would seem to work since the heliax just forms a 
> folded dipole.  Any experience would be greatly appreciated.
> Josh

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