Hi Ken, 

I'd be interested in the web page url for the WA1ZYX web page 
and the other information if you'd be willing to share it? 

I have a DB-212 cut and working on 6m and the same type of 
antenna on 2m with the director. I will as time allows 
document those antennas and make that information available 
to the group. 


> "Ken Decker" <wa6...@...> wrote:
> Dave,
> I found some info on DB212 cable lengths doing a Google search.  
> A website by WA1ZYX has a couple of pages on modifying the DB212
> for 6 meters and also cable lengths/matching and spacing of the 
> folded dipoles.  No info on changing element spacing from tower
> leg.  This could affect the pattern.
> Also found a 4 page article by Decibel Products titled DB212 Series.
> Good info on antenna patterns.
> BTW, I've got a NOS DB225 cut for 75.70 MHz.  This is like a DB212 
> with a director.  It's got all the measurements for spacing for director, etc
> so this probably will be critical.  I was thinking of trying to extend the 
> elements for 6 meters.  Has anyone done this on a DB225?
> Ken  WA6OSB

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