Re: S-COM 5K time & date command

Hi George, 

If you don't find it by the end of today... Email me and 
I'll send it to you from my home office. I have a pair of 
original 5K V.5 controllers on my shelf waiting for service 
and the original manual is there. 


skipp025 at 

ps: I can fax the manual pages to you... if you can receive 
a fax. 

--- In, "ka3hsw" <ka3...@...> wrote:
> Anybody know the command to set the time & date on an S-COM 5K with older 
> firmware?  Possibly v1.5 (I don't have it here in front of me...)  The only 
> owner's manual on the S-COM site is for v2.0.
> Thanks
> George, KA3HSW / WQGJ413

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