Keep in mind that DPL (CDCSS) uses a 134.4 Hz turn-off code, and this one
tone is used for all DPL codes.  It is possible that the decoder in the
radio is trumping the decoder in the controller.  It is also possible that a
high-pass filter is absent or maladjusted, allowing audio in the range of
134.4 Hz to falsely trigger the turn-off code detector.  Some controllers
are very poor at handling carriers with DPL coding.  You might have to add a
pull-up or pull-down resistor to make the logic understandable to the

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

-----Original Message-----

--- In
<> , "plaimann" <pete...@...>
> I have a Zetron 48B controller , running 2 Motorola vhf SM50 mobiles via
the accessory connectors.
> I'm having a problem with running a dpl. When I set the controller to dpl,
it will key up with no audio , but if I add audio the ctcss light drops and
the repeater drops. Any ideas?  I run 2 pl's regularly with no problems.

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