DC, he was given a free crystal which turned out to be worth what he paid. I 
never implied he was trying to rubber one cut for another channel, just rubber 
one that was too far off frequency.

Paul, AE4KR

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: DCFluX 
  To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 5:33 PM
  Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] "Bend" an ICOM a little further

  Seriously, some people need to read the original message before replying. 

  The original complaint was running out of tunning range on the piston trimmer 
in the channel element while trying to net the crystal on frequency.

  Not rubbering the crystal to another channel or Nuclear warfare on an 
inactive club.

  Also I should mention that the receiver should be set by looking at the LO 
frequency on either a service monitor or a frequency counter of known 
precision, Tuning it until it sounds best is not the way to go. The LO 
frequency for the MASTR-II VHF will be either + or - 11.2 MHz from the receive 
frequency depending on the whether high side injection was specified when 
ordering the crystal.

  On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Paul Plack <pl...@xmission.com> wrote:

    Forgive me if I'm going where no one wants to go, but isn't there a point 
in the decline of a club at which the nuclear option becomes the best choice?

    "Guys, the repeater's been a fun ride for 40 years, but we're down to three 
members, and no longer have enough in the treasury to keep the old girl 
running. The coordinator says there are people on the waiting list willing to 
spend the money to take care of a repeater. As I see it, we have two choices. I 
await your guidance. Sincerely..."

    Paul, AE4KR


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