The cavities in this particular case are BpBr. Pics below:

On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 1:33 PM, Jeff DePolo <> wrote:

> > The 4 WaCom UHF 10" cavities I believe were designed to be
> > part of a simple duplexer for a UHF-Lo repeater. They
> > *should* tune up to the 440 ham band based on what Telewave
> > has listed for specs on the current modern day model number.
> > Current config is Pass RX Reject TX on 3 cans and Pass TX
> > Reject RX on the 4th can.
> I'm not a Batlabs member, nor do I care to be (not that I have anything
> against Batlabs, just suffering from information overload the way it is).
> Are these pass/reject cavities (I assume they are based on your description
> above).
> I'm in need of UHF bandpass cavities. Just straight bandpass, not
> pass/reject. Preferably quarter-wave rather than 3/4 wave, diameter doesn't
> matter. Have loads of stuff to trade or cash. Anyone?
> --- Jeff WN3A

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