On Mon, 26 Apr 2010, Paul Plack wrote:
> Your heatsink approach, however, is exactly what I was talking about. 
> I have several very large heatsinks originally designed for use with 
> big SCR switching circuits which look to be more than generous for a 
> 30w PA at 100% duty cycle.   My first repeater was built from a 2w 
> Repco exciter board repurposed from RFID service. It was supposedly 
> rated for continuous duty, but had to run very hot to dump the heat it 
> produced through the little aluminum tab mounted to its own PC board 
> within the case. I fashioned a new tab with a 90? twist which allows 
> sinking the little PA to the case itself, and it never got above "warm 
> to the touch," even after hours key-down.   Guys, I appreciate all the 
> input.   73, Paul, AE4KR  

Remember, the 100W Mitrek had a heatsink that was rated for 35W and used 
the duty cycle to keep things cool. If you do a case swap from a 30W 
radio into a 100W case, you could be fine for 100%, barring excessive 
temperature climb.

My druthers would be to use an Original Syntor. It's got the helicals of 
a Mitrek, and the programming of a PROM. At $10 per frequency change 
(the going rate of the PROM chip), it's still cheaper than the Mitrek 
and uses the Mitrek/Motrac accessories.

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR
Disinformation Analyst

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