On Wed, 5 May 2010, wd5etd wrote:
> Sorry for the dumb question but, I have a group trying to add a link 
> at one site for 5 repeaters.  They are not trunked.  What is the 
> cheapest way for them to share 1 antenna?  They have a very good DB 
> antenna but, I did not think it necessary for them to buy 5!
> They are out in the country quite a ways.  So, there is not much else 
> to interfere.
> I know a combiner is probably the usual way but, I thought there might 
> be a cheaper way since it is only for receive.
> They do not have a tower for the receive antenna but, they do have a 
> multi-story building.  So, feed line expense is not a concern if they 
> use multiple antennas.

Cheapest way would be a band-pass cavity ahead of a cable TV 
distribution amp and a multi-port hybrid splitter. This assumes that the 
antenna isn't duplexed and used for transmitting as well nor are any of 
the transmit frequencies within the receive bandwidth.

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR
Disinformation Analyst

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