--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "aliefcert" <domin...@...> wrote:
> REACT Urges Opposition to FCC NPRM 10-119


> REACT International is urging all Teams and Members to submit comments
> in Opposition to this NPRM.  We suggest reviewing some of the other
> comments prior to submitting a comment in Opposition to this NPRM.  We
> have created a template for use in submitting comments, this can be
> found below.
> NPRM 10-119 Comment Template
> <http://hq.reactintl.org/files/NPRM_10-119_Template.doc>

Submitting a copycat "formula response" doesn't have nearly the impact as an 
originally composed comment.

For a more comprehensive discussion of the issues in this Docket, I encourage 
that you look at:


The comment deadline will be established by the publication date in the Federal 
Register. That hasn't happened yet (as of June 21, 2010), and the alleged July 
9 deadline is incorrect.

- Corwin Moore (PRSG Administrative Coordinator)

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