When the Hustler Heavy Duty antennas came out some years ago one of the 
repeater groups I am on the tech committee on ordered a new 2 meter antenna. 

 It arrived in good shape and all. We took it out to the tower and had issues.  

  We tested it and it did not resonate in the 144-148 band it was like 155 MHz.
We contacted Hustler and they shipped out another and it was still out of the 
ham band.
Both antennas were returned. We put up an Antenna Specialist ASP-602 dipole 
and it's been on the tower for over 10 years and no issues.  

   I would recommend if you order antennas that you have some one that has 
access to a good antenna analyzer look at the antennas before you take them out 
to the site and have
a tower crew on the clock.  If you know a cell tech see if he can use his 
Anritsu Wiltron on the antennas then you will know they are right...

 I work for a cellular carrier and have a Anritsu Wiltron on my company truck 
its nice to have access to this type of hardware.

Paul R. Dumdie Jr.     "73"


443.025/2A 145.270/1B/1Z/NAC-293



WQGG738-462.725 AAR5CU/T

Red Cross Disaster Services Technology Member



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