> "Dave" <dave_g7...@...> wrote:
> Hi All, I have rescently obtained a uhf pair of cavities 
> that are not silver plated inside (bare copper) They both 
> have an insertion loss of 3dB.... 

In this example the 3dB insertion loss is not is not 
affected (to any significant value) by the lack of silver 

> If I were to get them silver plated what would the 
> improvement be?

The person/business you pay to complete the plating has an 
improved income. 

> I have no idea how much it would cost but if the saving 
> was only about 0.5dB I wouldn't bother.

Don't bother... 

> Your thoughts please?

I try not to have any... 

> Cheers Dave UZN

Never watched the show and I believe it was on the UPN out here. 

On a more serious note... you might look around for pictures 
and descriptions of the very famous Motorola T-1500 series of 
cavities often made into various combination of duplexer 
assemblies. They are not plated and they work very well. The 
insertion loss is set by the probe type and position. 


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