What about the receive side of the equation? ...After all the mobile still 
needs to access the repeater in the first place.


Gareth Bennett

RadioSystems Limited
P.O. Box 5202
Dunedin  9024
New Zealand

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: w6ghz 
  To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2010 10:41 AM
  Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Antenna Advise

  Hello Group,

  Thank you for being here and reading this.

  I am new to this group and need antenna advise for a repeater system I am 
attempting to build. My electronics skills are very limited, but I know enough 
to assemble a system and get it on the air.

  This system consists of two repeaters linked by one controller in the same 

  1) Motorola Micor vhf w/140W amp
  2) GE Master Exec II uhf w/250W amp

  If one asks why I'm considering this much power, the reasons are:

  1) The amps are available.
  2) The terrain this system will be operating in is hilly with a
  lot of trees and vegetation.
  3) The system is not on a hill top.
  4) The antenna(s)for this system will only be on a 100' alum tower.
  5) Several users are out in a fringe area.

  I am aware a good antenna can trump an amp and I'm open to alternate 
solutions. I have enough hardline and connectors to make a few runs up the 
tower if needed.

  Is there a practical, cost effective solution to antenna both of these 
repeaters? How do I go about acquiring the solution? Money is an object and one 
that is becoming less available as this project moves forward.

  Any thoughts are much appreciated.

  Thank you,
  Richard Young W6GHZ
  Shelby, NC. 


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