Ok, since it appear to be nostalgia time...

Back in 70/71, my aunt gave me a call about getting
rid of some radio equipment in a storage room.  She
and her husband had owned the checker cab company
in San Antonio.  I went down & looked, and found a
'treasure trove' of goodies.

Frankly, at the time I was a real newbie into FM, just
out of high school and into my 1st year of college.

I loaded up my car with the best looking ones (further
trips were made), and was responsible for getting a
bunch of guys in Texas into 2m FM.

I had buckets full of 41v's, some 'T-power' (kept a
couple for myself), and even some 5v's.  Selling price
was $50.  Most went back to my aunt, but I got some
freebie radios out of the deal.  Still have a couple of
the 'tuning wands'. :-)

Then there was the HT220 with the add on frequency
synthesizer.. think it was in the 'omni case'... allowed you
to receive on several frequencies all at the same time.
(phase noise).  Also had to program with a dip-switch.

Ok... one more... remember when Digi-key sold an
electronic keyer kit?  (think it was their first product).
Sure was hard trying to find replacement high voltage
keying transistors after I fried it on my cathode keyed

That's all!!


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