Some man sir..TU


On 29/07/2010 22:31:49, skipp025 ( wrote:
 > Re: TKR-750 RF Preamplifiers
 > > "Com/Rad Inc" <com-...@...> wrote:
 > > Have any of you experimented with a RX pre-amp for
 > > the Kenwood TKR-750 repeater?
 > Yeah, once or twice...
 > > I am seeking results of actual trials of a product -
 > 'bout killed myself once trying a Thighmaster...
 > > Anyone care to comment on their experience(s) ?
 > Hurt a lot in the groin area and took a while to heal.
 > > Thanks in advance
 > > Ed Folta
 > Where and what you do with a preamp should depend on the
 > location, application and duplexer (antenna system).
 > In most casual situations (not a a major comm site with
 > other adjacent repeaters and a broadcast station or two
 > nearby) pretty much any type of decent preamplifier works
 > very well. I like the ARR Preamplifiers because they work
 > well and are often found fairly cheap on Ebay.
 > The old GLB (now owned by someone else) are very good layouts
 > for busy locations. Other people have told you about
 > Angle Linear and I'll
 > throw in both Telewave and Hamtronics
 > as a source.
 > Everyone wants to dance and sing about GasFet and Phempt
 > device preamplifiers but there is more than a valid ca

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