Hi guys,

Took some time away from the project... loosing too many hairs.

Ok, I've gotten another receiver strip, and it has the specified
sensitivity per Mot.

Guess I want to bounce some ideas around with those of you
who are more learned in the arts!

With 250mW (+24dBm) into the transmit port... antenna port is
a quality 50 ohm load, I see -72dBM at the receiver port. (pretty
much what I expect.. 1.8dB loss through the xmit side, & 100dB
notch through the RX side.

With it all hooked up receiving an input signal of about 0.7uV,
application of the 250mw to the transmitter side will cause noise
in the receiver, although not much.

So, it appears that if I add an additional 30dB notch (another 'can'),
the problem at high power may go away.

If I compare what 50 watts with an additional can would be (-130dB)
to what I get with 250mW & current notch (100dB), then it looks like I just
need to add an additional can.

50 w = +47dBm - 130dB future notch = -83dBm at receiver.

250mw = +24 - 100dB current notch = -76dBm

With the current notch @ 50 watts, I see a receive signal of -53dBm.
Some have said that the Micor can handle that, while others (off-line)
have said no way.

This setup appears to support the opinion that -53 is still way too much.

Any comments and thoughts would be most appreciated!



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