Re: Simrex - GLB Pre-Selector  Pre-Amplifier

> Jack Chomley <ra...@...> wrote:
> Well, I have decided to buy and try a Simrex 
> Pre-Selector,experiment with it, test it 
> .......whatever. 

Something to never say in an airport... 

"Hi Jack", 

Hopefully you will find the Simrex / GLB Pre-selector to be a very 
interesting and useful box. There are multiple stages of filtering 
in front and behind the active device.  During the earlier posts 
I tried to highlight the difference between the additional filtering 
although I didn't (want to) go into much detail about at least 
one under-played advantage of having post filtering stages after 
the active device. 

If we were to actually compare the pre-filtering against a high 
Q band pass cavity, you will see a different shape band pass 
due to a single cavity versus a multi-stage layout. You could 
and most likely would see a lower loss similar shape if you had 
two or more series high-Q band cavities in front of an external 
RF-Amplifier (not even addressing the post filtering). 

A real world question ... is the size, cost and hardware 
complexity of the High-Q Cavities with a separate RF Pre-Amplifier 
configured in the same layout as a Simrex / GLB circuit 
going to yield a major advantage in your specific application? 

Will the Simrex / GLB Pre-selector provide a benefit to your 
system? In many of my personal experience examples using a 
GLB Pre-selector has clearly improved the receiving system 

> At the very least I will learn something from my experiences 
> and it may end up being useful to me, anyway.

It's nice to read that you're willing to make the effort and 
spend money for the education. I expect you won't be disappointed 
with your Simrex unit. 

> I certainly appreciate the different points of view here 
> and have learned of alternative methods and the reasoning 
> behind them.

The jackpot of knowledge... and you weren't even in a Casino. 

> For me, all of it is good information :-)
> 73,
> Jack. VK4JRC

Cheers Jack, 
> Sent from my Apple iPad Tablet PC

Response sent from a painfully slow dial-up 
internet connection. 

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