I have been an IRLP owner for I would say 10 years now .. when the node #'s
were 3 numbers not 4 .. its a great service just like Echo-Link and now
D-Star and others ..  now to get D-Star and IRLP to play :) that would be
fun !

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 10:04 AM, Skip <freebsd...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> > if they want to use IRLP on there Allstar node then build the software to
> > allow it to run with IRLP
> >
> > Just like the Echolink-IRLP guys did ..
> >
> > you cant run both at the same time but saves having more then 1 pc at the
> > repeater site
> Which is exactly what they did. Bottom line is if you want an IRLP node
> number you have to BUY an IRLP board.
> Don't take the bait the discussion isn't really here, Ken copied
> that email to a bunch of mailing lists for some reason. I have
> no idea where the original discussion is, this is the third list I've
> seen it on this A.M.
> 73's Skip WB6YMH

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