
I saw the following link in a talk at LCA(Linux Conf Australia) about
Amlogic SOC support in mainline linux: https://github.com/yuq/mesa-lima
It's supposed to be a free software MALI driver.

However its README.UVD states:
> U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS: The Software is provided with
> "RESTRICTED RIGHTS." Use, duplication, or disclosure by the
> Government is subject to the restrictions as set forth in FAR
> 52.227-14 and DFAR252.227-7013, et seq., or its successor.  Use of
> the Software by the Government constitutes acknowledgement of AMD's
> proprietary rights in them.

I don't understand what that is, I'm unsure if it juste states what the
law is in the USA, or is it part of the license? Here I'm assuming that
README.UVD is the license, but I'm not sure of that either.


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