On Thu, 15 Aug 2019 16:09:29 +0300
"ni nhar" <nin...@inbox.lv> wrote:

> Thanks. I suggest this plan.
> I tell the pinephone chief, he can expect an email
> from you.
> You email him. In the email you should ask
> for a price. You should specify what you
> intend to do with the phones. Such that he can
> decide if he wants to make the phones available to
> replicant.

I'll do it as soon as I'm able to find time to work on it, which will be
in 1 or more months as I plan to finish porting Replicant to Android 9
before that.

I guess that when this is done, we could then ask for devices for
developers wanting to add support for the Pinephone in Replicant 9.


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