On Sun, 21 Mar 2021 03:02:20 -0400
Tad <t...@spotco.us> wrote:

> I have a much safer, designed for Android app here:
> https://gitlab.com/divested-mobile/extirpater
> GPL-3.0-or-later.
Thanks, it looks really interesting.

> Using a tool like wipe on a single file is useless from my research.
Why is it useless? You can still recover the file by dumping the RAW
storage content somehow? If so there links to documentation on that?

Here it's also meant to erase partitions but it is command line only.

BTW, there is also another limitation to be added to your tool (which
affect most of the secure erasing tools, including wipe): Such
tools can't erase files on log based filesystems.


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